
Product category
Product brand
Product characteristics
Product application
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
Nylon 12
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
Nylon 1010
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
Nylon 610
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
卢湾区| 措勤县| 郓城县| 商南县| 清河县| 丽江市| 临朐县| 长乐市| 武陟县| 昌图县| 花垣县| 绥棱县| 宜宾县| 云霄县| 积石山| 深州市| 渑池县| 枞阳县| 厦门市| 会泽县| 平和县| 阳城县| 成安县| 杨浦区| 余干县| 清河县| 晋州市| 曲阜市| 岫岩| 如皋市| 印江| 文山县| 湖州市| 郧西县| 定襄县| 阿合奇县| 南岸区| 黔南| 武功县| 汶川县| 正蓝旗|